Sunday, April 25, 2010

District Wide Information - SMART Board tips

MPS Teachers, Consider joining the SW/WC Service Cooperative Online SMART Board User Group at This networking group is a great way to ask questions, share SMART lessons, find resources and so much more!

Cleaning and Sanitizing your SMART Board:
1. Never spray anything directly on the SMART Board.
2. Spray Windex or Expo Cleaner on a clean cloth and wipe the SMART Board to clean it.
3. Get a 10% Bleach 90% water solution from you building custodian to sanitize your SMART Board.

Monday, April 19, 2010


The entire series of Reading Rainbow is available on Learn 360! Check it out!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Elementary end of the year information

To allow teachers to plan and consider if allowances need to be made for their students please note the schedule below. Here you will find end of the year information regarding the last day for checking out books, when all books are due and when the Park Side and West Side Elementary Media Centers will be closed. We will post signs about this around the school in May. Please send an email to me about any concerns about this schedule.

May 14 – last day to check out

May 21 – all books due back

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Nation Without Libraries

I am sharing this information from Laurie Conzemius (SIGMS Communications Chair and proud MEMO member -

This is a sad visual, but one that we need to share. It's not only in Minnesota: across the country we can see more and more school libraries taking the hit in school budget cuts. Take a look at this map, created by Shonda Brisco, and share it with others. More importantly, ask yourself what you can do in your state and community to turn this crisis around. The map is located at:
You can also read more about it on Gwyneth Jones' blog at:

If libraries continue to be a part of budget cuts, how will students learn necessary 21st Century Skills such as information literacy, searching for information for school research projects, become critical users of the internet and other information, or simply promote the life-long love of reading whether it be from an actual book, a Nook, Kindle or other book reader.

Marshall Middle School end of the year information

To allow teachers to plan and consider if allowances need to be made for their students please note the schedule below. Here you will find end of the year information regarding the last day for checking out books, when all books are due and when the Marshall Middle School Media Center will be closed. We will post signs about this around the school in May. Please send an email to me about any concerns about this schedule.

Friday, May 21st - Last day for students to check out materials

Wed., May 26th - All student library materials are due in the library

Thurs., June 3rd - Library Closed

Marshall Senior High School end of year information

To allow teachers to plan and consider if allowances need to be made for their students please note the schedule below. Here you will find end of the year information regarding the last day for checking out books, when all books are due and when the MHS Media Center will be closed. We will post signs about this around the school in May. Please send me an email about any concerns about this schedule.

5/21 – Last day for checkouts for students

5/25 – Senior students: all materials checkouts are due

5/26 - Senior check out day for the media center to sign off that all materials are turned in.

6/1 – All student materials are due

6/3 - MHS Library Media Center closed, except for student check out day for the media center to sign off that all materials are turned in.

Monday, April 5, 2010

District Wide Information

Celebrate National Library Week - April 11-17, 2010
This year the American Library Association's Honorary Chair for National Library Week is Neil Gaiman, winner of the 2009 Newbery Award for The Graveyard Book. Neil is a bestselling author for readers of all ages. Check out his website If you haven't visited your local school or public library or if you do not have a public library card stop in today! Libraries offer free access to books as well as many services including computer access, ebooks, database information and much more!

Upcoming: End of the school year information
Watch in next week's posting for information regarding end of year happenings for each media center. This will include last day of check out, last day all books are due and when each media center will close for the school year.