Sunday, December 20, 2009

District Wide Information

Last Monday and Tuesday I attended the TIES (Technology Information Education Services)Conference. I learned a lot about Cyber Safety (aka Internet Safety). I have a new part to my blog with resources for Internet Safety, please check it out for a personal or professional resource. It is possible that some sites are only accessible from home.

Happy Holidays to all!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

District Wide Information

Academic Vocabulary Powerpoint Games -

I posted this website in my blog a couple of weeks ago under Websites to check out! I removed it because it wasn't accessible from school. I checked it from home and it is accessible. Thank you to Jessica Liebfried for calling my attention to this.

Monday and Tuesday - I am attending the TIES Conference in the Cities. I will be checking email though.

Blog Comments - Thank you for all of the blog comments!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

District Wide Information

Community Book Sale
Thank you to all for your support with the Community Book Sale. This sale is open until 8 PM on Monday and closes at noon on Tuesday.

Finding Inspiration in Literature & Movies is a website that I've added to the Websites to check out! F.I.L.M. is a movie curricula program for youth promoting literacy, activity-based learning and service. Its focus is the development and distribution of free curricula based on Truly Moving Picture Award-winning films to channel positive messages and life-affirming themes into the minds and lives of youth. Check it out!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

District Wide Information

The Annual Community Book Sale runs Wednesday, December 1 - Tuesday December 8 at the High School Media Center. All books and merchandise is 50% off! This is a great opportunity to buy Christmas gifts and save money!

Remember I am still interested in comments about this blog! You can post your comments on the blog or send an email to Diane Konjura to have your name entered in the monthly drawing. This drawing will take place at the end of the day on Monday, November 30th (tomorrow). Good luck to those that have sent comments!

Media Info Bits Live!
The next Media Info Bits Live! will be Monday, December 7th before school or after school. Watch for more information that will be sent via email this week. Hope to see you there!

Websites to check out!
The newest link I've added is Tween Tribune. Here’s how TweenTribune works. Each weekday, Tween Tribune searches the Web for age-appropriate news stories that will interest tweens (generally defined as kids aged 8 to 14), and invite them to comment. All comments are moderated before publishing, so it’s Web-safe. To find out more go to Tween Tribune at

District Wide Information


NEA: The Big Read
The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts to restore reading to the center of American culture by providing citizens with the opportunity to read and discuss a single book within their communities. The initiative includes innovative reading programs in selected cities and towns, comprehensive resources for discussing classic literature, and an extensive website providing comprehensive information on authors and their works. Maximum award: varies. Eligibility: literary organizations, libraries, and community organizations across the country. Deadline: February 2, 2010.

Toshiba/NSTA: ExploraVision Awards
All inventions and innovations result from creative thinking and problem solving. The Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision Awards Program encourages kids to create and explore a vision of future technology by combining their imaginations with the tools of science. Maximum award: $10,000. Eligibility: students K-12. Deadline: February 2, 2010.

Western Union Foundation: Family Scholarship Program
The Western Union Foundation's Family Scholarship Program is an educational initiative for migrants, immigrants, and their families in the United States that aims to help two members of the same family move up the economic ladder through education. Scholarships may be used for tuition for college/university education, language acquisition classes, technical/skill training, and/or financial literacy. Maximum award: $5,000. Eligibility: two members of the same family, aged 18 years or older, for whom the country of origin for at least one applicant is outside the U.S. Deadline: February 5, 2010.

Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation: Music Matters Grants
The Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation Music Matters Grants for 2010 will focus on educational reform in school music programs and independent music programs across the United States. Maximum award: $12,000. Eligibility: U.S. schools that already employ a music educator or educators and have an existing music program in place. Grant requests must articulate specific music program needs for existing and/or planned programs. Deadline: February 5, 2010.

Zaner-Bloser: National Handwriting Contest
The 2010 Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest encourages legible handwriting by testing the printing (or "manuscript") acumen of first and second graders and the cursive abilities of students in grades 2 through 8. Entries are judged on the Keys to Legibility: Shape, Slant, Spacing, and Size. Maximum award: recognition and a special prize package. Eligibility: students grades 1-8 whose school uses Zaner-Bloser Handwriting curricula. Deadline: March 15, 2010.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

District Wide Information

Please give a warm welcome to our new media assistant, Roxanne Jahn. The two most recent new media assistants, Youa Vang and Kari Schuld took paraprofessional positions at Park Side and the Middle School respectively. Roxanne will be at WS on Mondays, the MS on Tuesdays, PS on Wednesdays, and rotate between WS and PS every other week on Thursdays.

The link for home access to the Marshall Resource pages and online card catalogs is found on my blog under Web sites to check out! As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, this is also linked to the Marshall Public Schools website under the parents tab.

Please watch this week for a survey to help me determine a focus for a district wide SMART board training to be held during the second half of the January PLC early out time. Your responses will help me determine needs in our district. I will try to keep this survey short. Please take a few minutes to answer the survey. Thank you in advance.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

District Information

Websites to check out!
Academic Vocabulary PowerPoint Games has several game show like games to use in the classroom. Games include Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Wheel of Fortune and more!
Google News Timeline allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline.


National Teachers Hall of Fame: Nominations
The National Teachers Hall of Fame honors exceptional career teachers, encourages excellence in teaching, and preserves the rich heritage of the teaching profession in the United States. Maximum award: $2,000. Eligibility: Nominees must have a minimum of 20 years full-time preK-12 teaching experience, and hold a valid teaching certificate or license from the state in which he or she teaches or has taught. Deadline: January 4, 2010.

ING: Unsung Heroes Awards
The ING Unsung Heroes Awards program recognizes innovative and progressive thinking in education through monetary awards. Maximum award: $25,000. Eligibility: full-time educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, or classified staff members with effective projects that improve student learning at an accredited K-12 public or private school. Deadline: April 30, 2010.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

District Information

With the short student contact week, Diane will be at PS on Monday (for conferences), MS on Tuesday, WS on Wednesday (4th grade media lessons), HS on Thursday, and PS on Friday.

Middle School Information

This week I have a few things to share for the Middle School teachers, staff, and administration.

Students at the Middle School are strongly encouraged to keep their student ID cards at school (in their locker or in their binder - perhaps with a hole punch to add it to the actual binder ring.) If a student has lost the student ID a new one will not be issued. Students that come to the media center without their ID will still be able to check out books.

Please take a look at the mpsfollett online card catalog/middle school resource page. On the resource page, we now have access to Study Island and MCA Practice (students need their learner locator code).

The Middle School Media Center has a Marshall Lyon County Public Library Card. This is an extra service that I started at both the Middle School and High School several years ago. With this service the media assistants and I are happy to help students, staff, teachers and administration search and request materials from the Plum Creek System or from MNLink (where materials can be requested from any public library in Minnesota). Requests for this service is only for school related needs. Please for personal needs contact the public library for assistance. If you need the material longer than typically allowed, please tell us. The public library is very helpful to allow us to have materials checked out longer than three week check out time if it is for a school project. If you have any questions, please send an email to Diane Konjura.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

District Wide Information

Congratulations to Amanda Grinager! She is the October Winner of the Media Info Bits Blog Comment contest. Please continue to make comments on the blog or send an email to Diane Konjura with your comments about the blog. If you comment on this blog weekly your name will be entered in the drawing each time you comment thus increasing your chance of winning! Good luck!

Elementary and Middle School Information

Please extend a warm welcome to our new media assistant, Youa Vang. She is replacing Kari Schuld who took a full time para position at the Middle School. Please introduce your self to her if you are in the media center.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

District Wide Information

Media Info Bits Live!
Join me on Monday, November 2, 2009 in the E 22 Lab at Marshall Middle School for the first Media Info Bits Live! Morning session will be from 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM and the Afternoon session will be from 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM. I will present information about the Follett Destiny Card Catalog and Resource Page, how teachers now can login to place holds or request books and how students parents teachers and staff now have home access to the resource page and card catalog. CEU's will be available and I will bring treats too.

Middle School and High School Info

From the 6/18/08 issue of “Edutopia Magazine” at:
Beat the Cheat: Teaching Students (and Parents) It's Not OK to Copy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

District Wide Information

Marshall teachers below are some grant opportunities available. Be sure to notice deadlines.

The Minnesota Business Partnership Education Foundation is proud once again to administer the Qwest Foundation Teachers & Technology Grant Program. Applications are being accepted through Nov. 30. Nearly $100,000 in grants will be presented to Minnesota public school teachers in April and May of 2010.

McDonald's USA: Champion Kid CorrespondentsMcDonald's USA is offering the chance for 10 young people from across the country to attend the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games in February 2010 as a McDonald's Champion Kid and hometown correspondent. Maximum award: a trip to Vancouver, Canada for 4 days and 3 nights for winner and parent or legal guardian to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games to attend events, meet athletes, tour cultural sites of Canada, meet other participants from around the world, and as serve as a McDonald's Champion Kid Correspondent. Champion Kid Correspondents report back to their friends, family, and the world all about what they are experiencing at the Olympic Winter Games by posting online journals, videos, and photos. Eligibility: American youth ages 11-14. Deadline: October 30, 2009.

Payless ShoeSource: Holiday Giving CampaignPayless ShoeSource's 2009 Holiday Giving Campaign provides new shoes to children in need throughout the United States. Payless will award allotments of $15 merchandise gift coupons to nonprofit organizations in order for its clients to receive new shoes for the holiday season. Maximum award: varies. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations in the U.S. and registered charities in Canada that serve disadvantaged children in an area where Payless stores are easily accessible. Deadline: October 30, 2009.

College Board: Bob Costas GrantsBob Costas Grants support exceptional teachers who through their innovative teaching methods motivate their students to write. Winning teachers are awarded grants to enhance successful projects currently under way. Projects can be carried out in school (public or nonpublic), through an after-school writing workshop, or during a summer program. Maximum award: $2,000. Eligibility: Teachers from all academic disciplines grades 6-12. Deadline: November 20, 2006.

AAPT: High School Physics Teacher GrantThe American Association of Physics Teachers High School Physics Teacher Grant will reward a proposal designed to result in better teaching practice, student understanding and interest, and increased class enrollment. The proposal may use a new teaching method or an adaptation of an existing idea. Maximum award: $500. Eligibility: members of AAPT. Deadline: December 1, 2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

District Wide Information

Watch for a letter to send home with students about home access for the Follett Destiny Card Catalog.

eyePlorer is a new website I learned about at the MEMO Conference I attended the first weekend of this month. The link is on the left side of the blog under Web Sites to Check Out! eyePlorer is visual search of facts and the relationship between the facts. It is considered a graphical knowledge engine. Type in a keyword for a unit you are teaching to see how this might be helpful. For students this tool could help students to narrow or broaden a search term or a topic for research. For younger students, this helps them to visually see the relationship between a topic or term and other related things. The negative aspect to this site is the advertisements on the left side.

I would like to provide afterschool or during lunch professional development sessions not longer than a half hour. Sessions would demonstrate websites such as eyePlorer or Thinkfinity, provide information about the Follett Destiny Online Card Catalog, or bits of information about SMART Notebook 10. Please comment on this blog or send me an email if this is something you would attend.

Monday, October 5, 2009

High School Information

MHS and MECLA Teachers please share with your students that they now have login access to the mpsfollett, our online card catalog. Students use the same username and password (student) that they use to log onto to the computers. Students, like faculty, can see what books are available in any of school libraries. They can place holds on materials too. Please share this with your students or I can meet with your class for a quick presentation.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

District Wide Information

I attended the MEMO (Minnesota Educational Media Organization) Thursday through Saturday and came back with many great ideas! The theme this year was School 2.0: Get Connected. I attended many sessions where presenters introduced Web 2.0 tools or used Web 2.0 tools with Reading. I hope to share some of these ideas in my PLC group and will be sending invitations to teachers and administration at each building to show some ideas.

Win a prize! When I introduced this blog as a means of communication I encouraged teachers, staff and administration to comment on things that I have posted or have available on the left side of the Marshall Media Blog. I will put names of teachers, staff and administration that either comment on this blog, send an email comment to me or become a follower. I will draw a winner once per month! Good luck!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

District Wide Information

The media assistants in all of the media centers are working on usernames and passwords for all teachers and para professionals in the district. The username is the same as your computer username. Contact the media assistant or Diane for the default password.

How does this help teachers? 1. Teachers can place their own holds on books they want. This can be a hold on books found in the building the teacher works in or in another building in the school district. 2. Teachers can view or make their own Resource Lists (this is found on the left side of the page of the catalog tab). Teachers can still ask the media assistants to make Resource Lists, but teachers can do it themselves too.

Home access to the online card catalog. Watch for information to be sent home with students with home access information. The website to view the Marshall School District online card catalog is
Check it out!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

High School Information

Notice the link to view the availablity of the MHS computer labs.

This is linked to this blog and the blog is linked to the computer lab wiki. If you have a time, date and computer lab you would like to sign up for send an email to Diane Konjura, Diane Doll or JoEtte Swan (we are the only ones that are able to edit this wiki). We will sign up teachers on a first come first serve basis. We are still working on getting two weeks available for all labs on the wiki.

Of course, teachers are welcome to stop down in the media center and sign up in the binder too! We will post your time on the MHS computer lab wiki.

District Wide Information

Notice that I have a category titled Web Sites to check out! on the left side of this blog. I will add websites throughout the year. Thinkfinity is a fantastic website sponsored by Verizon. is a K-12 cross-curricular web site making it easy for educators to enhance their classroom instruction with lesson plans, interactive activities and other online resources. also provides a wealth of educational and literacy resources for students, parents and after-school programs.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Middle School Information

Monday is the day Diane will be at the Middle School. This day is primarily for student instruction. Please contact Diane via email if you would like her to work with your classes or introduce the Maud Hart Lovelace books for this year. Sandy Untiedt is willing to provide orientation for classes this year.

Check out the scheduled book fairs for each building!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elementary Information

Story time, computer lab, and library media instruction schedules are finished for Park Side and I am working on the same schedules for West Side. Thank you in advance for your patience.

We will be working to get classes set up for AR this week.

This week's lesson for kindergarten students is about proper book care, quiet voices in the library, and using browsing sticks. Please encourage your students to remember these things when they come into the media center.

Check out the book fair dates for both Park Side and West Side on the left side of this blog. Mark your calendars!

High School Information

9th Grade Orientation: Diane will met with all 9th Grade Academy students for orientation this Thursday, and would like to meet with any other 9th grade students. Please contact Diane via email to schedule a 20 minute orientation for 9th grade students.

Reading Incentive Program: Please encourage your students to pick up a Reading Incentive Log to participate in this program. Diane Konjura would be happy to come into your class to explain the Reading Incentive Program and hand out the Reading Incentive Log. Students can win wonderful prizes throughout the school year just for reading!

Overdue books: A reminder that when students have overdue books for more than a month that student’s computer account will be disabled the morning of Wednesday Activity Period. We will send the overdue notices out for Wednesday Activity Period as always, but if a student has an overdue book for more than a month that student will receive an overdue notice with a note YOUR COMPUTER ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DISABLED. PLEASE COME TO THE LIBRARY. Please send this student down to the media center so the student will make arrangements to either return the overdue materials or pay for them.

I have the Community Book Sale date on the left side of this blog as well as on the calendar of school related events. Check it out!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Primary School and Middle School Information

AR has been renewed for the Middle School. It has the same features as in the past.

West Side now has a subscription to the online version of AR, called Accelerated Reader Enterprise. After much discussion with Annette from Renaissance Learning and Heidi, it was decided to continue with the STAR Reading Test for WS. I will add information regarding websites to help teachers with tutorial information. West Side will also continue with STAR Math and Accelerated Math.

Park Side has been renewed for STAR Math, Accelerated Math, and MathFacts in a Flash.

The library assistants and I will be working to get students ready for AR. If you have a date you'd like your class to be ready for the STAR Reading or Math test, please contact us and we will try to get it done by that date.

District Wide Information

Just a reminder that the Media Centers are not open to students until Thursday, September 10th.

Diane's schedule on this shortened week: Tuesday - Middle School, Wednesday - West Side, Thursday - High School, Friday - Park Side.

Watch for access to the online card catalog to be available from home! I will post the address when it is ready. I will have a letter printed to send home to parents, especially for students in the primary and middle schools. I will include this information for parents of high school students in the conference newsletter. I will also ask the high school to include this information on the Tiger TV announcements.

The library media assistants and I will be working to give teachers a login so teachers can place holds on library materials. As always if a teacher needs help, please contact me via email at or contact the media assistants in your building. I hope to give students at the high school and perhaps the middle school level a login for the online card catalog too. We will start with teacher first though.

Monday, August 31, 2009

District Wide Information

Welcome to Media Info Bits!

I will post information weekly for the Primary Level (K-6), Secondary Level (7-12). If information is for District Wide purposes, I will title the post District Wide Information like this post.

I welcome constructive comments from Marshall Public School teachers, staff, custodians, Taher personnel, and administration.

Please notice my schedule, the media assistants at each building, and a link for Learn360 on the left side bar. If there is something you'd like me to add to the Media Info Bits blog, please let me know.

I will be working on student accounts. Please send me your class list.

I look forward to providing library orientation for students. If we cannot arrange a time when I am in your building, one of the media assistants will be available to help with orientation.