Saturday, November 24, 2012

District Wide Information

Piece Together the History of the Civil War
I found this fantastic history resource in The Big Deal Technology Newsletter that I receive.  The interactive posters found below help teach about primary and secondary sources as well as piecing together the History of the Civil War.  Check it out!

In 2011, released an interactive poster and companion website about the United States Civil War. The 24" x 36" poster, entitled “How Do You Piece Together the History of the Civil War?”, features a collage of primary sources and related questions that get students thinking about how we know what we know about the past, especially in relation to our country’s most devastating conflict, the Civil War. The question, “How can geography impact a battle?” accompanies a map of Gettysburg, while a slave receipt prompts students to think about the laws, economics and people involved in the institution of slavery. The interactive version of the poster allows students to zoom in on different parts of the poster and click through to find more information about those artifacts and their roles in the Civil War. As a bonus for teachers, the interactive poster includes links to teaching materials and websites related to the Civil War. Topics include children’s voices during the Civil War, African American perspectives, women’s roles, Civil War–era music and emancipation as well as military history and life on the battlefield.
Click Here to Access Free Interactive Civil War Poster
Plus: In 2012, released two more interactive posters. “Doing History is Like Solving a Mystery” is an interactive poster for elementary school students. The poster uses images with notes to guide students through the process of developing good research questions and recording their ideas. “History is an Argument About the Past” is an interactive poster for middle school and high school students. The poster walks students through identifying primary and secondary sources of information and then using that information to create an argument.
Click Here to Access Free Interactive Elementary Poster 
Click Here to Access Free Interactive Secondary Poster

Sunday, November 18, 2012

District Wide Information

As We Honor Veterans

The attached link goes to an article with Veterans Day 2013 in mind.  This movie trailer for Honor Flight which will be in theaters December 7th with limited engagements or you may contact to host your own screening of this heroic and honorable documentary of World War II veterans.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

District Wide Information

CyArk -

Thanks to Jon Schreurs, an MHS Ag teacher, for sharing this fascinating website that focuses on digitally preserving the world's cultural heritage.  This site has an education tab where there are K-12 lesson plans available to educators.  All you need to do is set up an account and these hands-on and computer based activities are yours!  Check out this amazing site!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

District Wide Information

High School Community Book Sale - Date Change
The dates for the Community Book Sale will be Monday, Nov. 26th - Dec. 4th, 2012.  This is different from the Music Boosters calendar.  Flyers will be sent home soon and posted in each building soon with times for each day. 

NBC Learn K-12
NBC Learn K-12 is a subscription service with videos including current events, author interviews as well as other standards based topics.  There is a 30-day free trial available.  If you sign up for this and find you like it please let me know.  I am looking into the cost for an annual subscription.