Sunday, April 24, 2011

Math Teacher Information

Get the Math -
Get the Math is a project for middle school and high school students apply algebraic thinking skills in real world problems.  This site provides videos and challenges to students to make a connections to careers with math related applications.  Check it out and challenge your students!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

District Wide Information

Robert MacNeil returns to PBS to tell story of autism Minnesota Public Radio News - April is National Autism Awareness Month.  This article introduces a six-part series on autism that will be shown on PBS starting Monday, April 18, 2011.  As educators we are continuously learning about new strategies, best strategies for teaching and much more.  It is also our responsibility to learn about this growing developmental disability.  Check out this article and consider watching the upcoming series about autism.

Earth Day  - Earth Day is this Friday.  Although we are on a holiday weekend break, this website has many great ideas to consider when talking about Earth Day.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Math Teacher Information

Gaming in Education -  I am so excited to share the following gaming resources with math teachers! 
The following games are primarily designed for middle school students, but the concepts and videos might be appropriate in some manner from upper elementary grades through algebra in high school.

Math by Design - - Flossville Town Park and Windjammer Environmental Center transforms students into junior architects.

Do students in your class ask "How will math help me when I grow up? Math in Action videos (found in Math by Design) help students learn how math is used everyday in a variety of careers, such as, how does a cake decorator/designer use math?

Proportionland - - ProportionLand draws students in to “reason” their way through the eight interactive Attractions in this amusement park. Students hop on and enjoy the rides, but they must also explore and apply proportional reasoning skills to solve a variety of science-based, real world problems.

Rock-N-Roll Road Trip - - Rock-n Roll Road Trip World Tour is an experience for students to take a trip around the world with a rock band while solving real-life problems using measurement, ratio, and proportion.

Scale City - - The games found in Scale City help students learn about the mathematics of scale.  There are eight different games including World Chicken Festival, Louisville Slugger Museum, Kentucky Horse Park, and more!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

District Wide Information

Teaching the iGeneration -

Thank you to Brian Jones for sharing this article with the high school staff.   If you haven't read it yet check out the link to the article.  This article starts with scenarios of how technology is so intuitive to our students, yet we ask them to learn in an environment we grew up in "paper/pencil."  This article illustrates and begs us to consider the idea of "engagement" with technology today so students are learning in ways that are familiar to them.  If I can be of help as a "knowledge broker" or in any other way, please contact me.  I love learning about new ways of learning involving technology.  Consider reading this article.

April is Poetry Month -'choicepoetrymonth.cfm
Check out the great ideas and resources on this link to help you with poetry whether you are teaching it now in April or during another time of the school year.