Sunday, October 23, 2011

District Wide Information

Bloom's Taxonomy using Web 2.0 Tools
This Bloom's Taxonomy was developed at the University of Southern Indiana and is licensed through Creative Commons.  I think this offers a multitude of educational opportunities.  One of these may be a great idea to try in your classroom if you are choosing technology as a personal goal.  I must admit I haven't tried all of these web 2.0 tools, but have used many if anyone would like to work together to try one. One I have recently looked at and looks like a fantastic resource is The Periodic Table of Videos.  Check one out!

Monday, October 17, 2011

District Wide Information

"How to get your kid to be a fanatic reader" by James Patterson
Check out this article by James Patterson, author of the Maximum Ride Series and more.  He reminds us that parents need to help encourage students to read too.  There are a variety of websites embedded in this article to help promote reading.  Please consider sharing these with parents through your teacher websites, newsletters and at conferences.

Profiles for Technology (ICT) Literate Students

This week's example is from the Profiles for Technology Literate Students for grades 3-5.

7. Conceptualize, guide, and manage individual or group learning projects using digital planning tools with teacher support. (4,6)

This profile might be something classrooms are already doing when individual or group Powerpoint projects are assigned.  To stretch digital learning try or Voicethread for classroom or collaborative projects.

1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Sunday, October 9, 2011

District Wide Information

Profiles for Technology (ICT) Literate Students

This week's example is from the Profiles for Technology Literate Students for grades 5-8.

8. Use collaborative electronic authoring tools to explore common curriculum content from multicultural perspectives with other learners (2,3,4,5)
This profile brings a couple of opportunities to mind.  One is using, a daily online newspaper for tweens and an opportunity for students read daily news and to write/respond/comment on the news articles. Check out TweenTribune!
Another opportunity is using wiki or edmodo as platforms for students within a school or classroom to collaboratively work on a project together online. 
1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Elementary Level Teachers

Momswithapps -
Thank you to Brenda Kellen for sharing this site!  Elementary teachers using iPads in the classroom might find this blog helpful to find some fun apps to use in the classroom.  Check it out!

Park Side Book Fair - Nov. 1-10, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

District Wide Information

Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues mission statement is "Promoting critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, primarily pro-con format."

It has a tab on the home page called Teacher's Corner where it offers an outline including Lesson Planning with, Benefits of Teaching Controversial Issues, How schools use, How to Cite, and Quotes about Critical Thinking.

Profiles for Technology (ICT) Literate Students

This week's example is from the Profiles for Technology Literate Students for grades 9-12.
7. Design a Web site that meets accessibility requirements (1,5)
This learning activity is the focus of Web Design, a class at taught at the high school, but it can be something that other classes address when using a website to share and publish what is happening in a class.  Students need to be aware of the need to meet accessiblity requirements so all that look at or interact with a website can do so regardless of special needs.

1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts