Sunday, November 4, 2012

District Wide Information

High School Community Book Sale - Date Change
The dates for the Community Book Sale will be Monday, Nov. 26th - Dec. 4th, 2012.  This is different from the Music Boosters calendar.  Flyers will be sent home soon and posted in each building soon with times for each day. 

NBC Learn K-12
NBC Learn K-12 is a subscription service with videos including current events, author interviews as well as other standards based topics.  There is a 30-day free trial available.  If you sign up for this and find you like it please let me know.  I am looking into the cost for an annual subscription.

1 comment:

Mrs. Peterson's Blog said...

Did not subscribe but searched a few themes of various standards we cover in first grade. Seemed a little advanced for our level even though it states that it includes primary levels. Just my opinion.