This week is Banned Book Week. Check out the websites above to learn more about Banned Book Week and why we should teach our students about our freedom to read!
"During Banned Book Week (and every week), we honor two foundational beliefs--our rights to speak freely and make our own choices. We must safeguard these rights for children until they can exercise and demand these rights for themselves. "(Miller, 2009)
Miller, Donalyn. "Banned Book Week." The Book Whisperer. 2010 Editorial Projects in
Education: 22 Sept., 2009. 27 Sept. 2010
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Historical Society is a great educational resource and provides opportunities for
- teacher workshops,
- History Day (History Day is an exciting co-curricular program that encourages young people to explore a historical subject related to an annual theme. The 2011 theme is "Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences."),
- School Outreach Programs (where History Players come to you! Using props and artifacts, costumed History Players engage students in their memorable life stories.)
- and a wonderful State Capitol field trip like our students in grade 6 have taken advantage of for many years.