Friday, September 17, 2010

District Wide Information

LCD Projectors in your classroom
Have you gotten a notice that your projector is overheating?  It is important to have the filter in the LCD projectors cleaned now and then.  This will help keep the air flowing in the projector to keep the bulb cooled.  If there is not something in place to have the filter cleaned, please add a reminder on your calendar to clean it or have a custodian clean it monthly or every other month.

It is important to extend the life of the bulb in the LCD projectors so if you are not using your SMART board or the projector for a half hour, turn off the projector.  This also helps reduce overheating the projector.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Zoom Sci
Zoom Sci is a great site with many science activities in the following science areas: chemistry, engineering, the five senses, forces, life science, patterns, sound, structures, and water.  Check it out!

1 comment:

Brenda Elton said...

Good Idea to set up a reminder in outlook! Thanks.