Sunday, May 8, 2011

District Wide Information

Filament Games -
I continue to investigate and try out gaming in education.  Filament Games has several games for science, civics ( , reading (for grades K-2) and more.  I've tried Germs Make Me Sick! In this game the player decides whether to become a viral infection or a bacterial infection in a host/person.  The player decides how to infect the host (airborne or physical).  This game has a part that defines vocabulary used in the game.  Check out the tutorial before playing the game. has several games too to help students learn about immigration and what it would be like to be the president of the United States. has webquests to provide information to help gamers understand more about the topic that the game focuses on.

Filament Games seeks out teachers to pilot games they are testing.  The information is found at this link if you are interested. 

If you are interested in exploring these games together, I am happy to work with you and your classes. 

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