Sunday, December 4, 2011

District Wide Information

Profile for Technology Literate Students
This week's example is from the Profiles for Technology Literate Students for grades PK-2.
10. Demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments such as electronic books, simulation software, and web sites. (6)
This profile can be used in classrooms in a couple of different ways.  E-books are available through the Park Side card catalog on Follett Shelf, an example of simulation software would be web-based games such as Spellathon (posted last week) as well as many learning web sites.  Many teachers are already implementing this profile in their classroom...hooray!
1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts

NBC Learn
I posted about NBC Learn before, but I came across this again and feel it is a fantastic resource for teachers.  This link is to the free resources available...check it out!!

Check out the Newseum - Washington, DC's most interactive museum. It's a clickable map; each city brings up the front page of the town's major newspaper.  This site allows you to browse the front page news across the world visiting 60 different countries.  

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