Sunday, September 28, 2014

District Wide Information

PhET Simulations

As I browsed the poster sessions at the ISTE Conference this summer, I learned about 
PhET Simulations.  This resource is brought to you by the University of Colorado Boulder. It is simulations presented in a fun, interactive and research-based manner for free.  You can search the simulations by grade level including simulations for elementary, middle, high school and university levels.  The content of the simulations cover physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and math. Check out these fantastic web-based simulations (they are written in Flash and Java). 

Socratic Smackdown and the Institute of Play

Learning and play seem to be a great way to engage students.  Socratic Smackdown is a game for students in grades 6-12.  From what I read about the game, it sounds like a great way for students to learn discussion strategies and prepare them for AP courses they have the opportunity to take at the high school. The game Socratic Smackdown can be based on around a text-based question or organized around a debate question.  This game is found on the site Institute of Play where there are more games.  Some are print and play game and others are online.  If you took MarshallTech4Teachers and are interested in gaming, check out this site!

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